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Parish ministries

altar servers

We are pleased that you wish to become an Altar Server here at St. Denis. This is an important ministry which enhances the celebration of Holy Mass.


Altar Serving is one of the ways our young people can begin to live out their Baptism promises by serving others and witnessing to their faith in Jesus Christ. By serving at the altar and assisting the priest, altar servers have the opportunity to celebrate the Mass with more devotion and love.


In our parish, any child between grades 3-12 can become an altar server.  All servers are encouraged to serve each time they are at Holy Mass, even if that is by sitting in choir (sitting in server attire and saying the Mass responses).


To sign up, please contact Fr. Stephen at the parish office, 905-685-5911 or by emailing

Ministers of the Word

Here at St. Denis, the Ministers of the Word serve by proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The competent exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it more readily.


Your responsibilities will include:​


1. Preparing for your role by rehearsing and coming to understand the biblical text assigned to you.

 â€‹2. Participating fully in the liturgy as an exemplary member of the assembly.

 3. Proclaiming the biblical text with clarity, conviction, dignity, and understanding.

 4. Expressing reverence and decorum in carrying out your role according to the general liturgical norms.

 5. Participating in rehearsals of ceremonial procedures in the parish community; when necessary.

 6. Being faithful to the schedule and arriving about 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass.

 7. Finding coverage if you are not able to make your scheduled weekends.


To sign up, please contact the parish office at 905-685-5911

230 Lake Street

St. Catharines † Ontario † L2R 5Z3

Phone: 905-685-5911

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